Referral Management

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Referral management in healthcare

Referral Management In Healthcare

CHS is offering innovative solutions for facilities, making it convenient for them to manage referrals efficiently. With its vast network of physicians across the nation, patients are well treated in a timely manner.

With CHS’s referral management solutions, physicians can manage their referral cycle with extensive visibility. It will help them reduce medical delays, streamline the process, reduce referral leakage and get valuable insights that can further aid them in making informed decisions.

Once you use the referral management system by CHS, you will see a reduction in referral processing time and operational expenses related to the workforce. Some of our clients even saw an increase in referral loop closures, staff efficiency, and improvement in care and their patient experience.

Referral Solutions System

Referrals Central Health Solutions Advantages
    • Less waiting time
    • On-demand availability
    • Provides visibility, shedding light on referral patterns
    • Best rated providers
    • Increased referral volume
    • Insurance eligibility
    • Reduction in referral processing time & overhead cost
    • Referral management in healthcare reduces referral leakage
    • Improved operational efficiency
    • Improved patient acquisition and care quality
    • Copay estimates
    • Telehealth via a secure portal based on provider professional judgment
Reduce Waiting Time with Our Referral Management System

No one wants to wait, especially if one needs a physician’s urgent care. Wait times to see physicians can be a source of potential frustration and dissatisfaction with care quality. It can lead to a loss of productivity for individual patients. With Central Health Mobile App you can inquire about the specialty you need and leave the rest for us

Custom Referral Management Solutions by CHS

CHS will analyze your demand and locate the highest rated specialty based on your proximity and availability of providers.

CHS takes leadership in managing referrals, knowing its responsibility. We know no two organizations have similar requirements, and a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work. That is why we customize our solutions to accommodate the needs of different healthcare providers. The CHS’s referrals management system will automate the process of managing referrals, eliminating the need to create cumbersome spreadsheets and maintain records manually.

Moreover, the referrals managed by CHS are sure to enhance your operational efficiency, improve the connectivity between you and your patients and make patient health outcomes better than before. Our referral management system will help you reduce out-migration and referral leakage, leading to an increase in your revenue. With our referrals management solutions, you can:

Referral management in healthcare
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Our referral advantages include the following:

    • Lower referral processing time
    • Review referrals received via fax or phone call on our portal
    • Get access to essential data and valuable referral metrics in one single place
    • Monitor and track referrals to measure patient conversions
    • Customize workflow as per your specialty
    • Get accurate data and valuable insights with referral reports
    • Monitor referral leakage rates
    • Analyze referral metrics and strategize to improve outcomes.
Learn more about state-of-the-art referrals managed by CHS and how we’ll provide a better user experience by scheduling an appointment with our coordinator.
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