Measures to Prevent Chronic Care Failures

It’s not easy for caregivers to always make the right decision. Studies show that most chronic care decisions are either made incorrectly at first or with incorrect follow-up. This can lead to increased healthcare costs for everyone in the end. The problem is that it’s difficult to predict when a patient will experience a medical emergency.

But there are ways to prevent or reduce chronic care failures. The five measures below can help you prevent chronic care failures:

Improve Patient Engagement

Engaging patients in their care can improve outcomes and lower costs. Patients engaged in their health care have better access to preventive services, are more regular in use of prescription drugs, and in better control of chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. They are also less likely to miss appointments or be hospitalized for illnesses that were preventable.

Improve Coordination Among Providers

Patients with chronic diseases often see multiple doctors who have different responsibilities and information systems. They don’t always talk to one another. It’s hard to get a clear picture of their needs or whether they’re getting it. This leads to gaps in treatment and higher costs. Care coordination improves communication among providers so they can coordinate care more effectively.

Promote Engagement Among Providers

Providers need training in engaging patients in their health care, especially when managing chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. Health systems should offer ongoing training as part of their commitment to providing quality care at an affordable cost.

Shared Decision Making

Patients should be involved in decisions related to treatment options, including medications and other therapies that their doctors or nurses may recommend. This ensures that they are informed about all possible scenarios.

Increase Patient-Provider Communication

Providers should make time for regular check-ins with patients, especially during office visits or phone calls. These interactions can help identify potential problems early on and prevent chronic care failures from occurring.

Final Words

Prevention is the most important aspect of chronic care management. So take these measure to prevent chronic care failures and succeed with a chronic condition care program. If you want to get professional chronic care management services, get in touch with us. Book an appointment today!!

Central Health Solutions
Chronic care management